Gold Could Be the Next Antimicrobial Therapy.
Gold’s usefulness can certainly extend beyond its store of value status in the capital markets, including a possible use as an antimicrobial therapy. With the joint effort of researchers from the Southern University of Science and Technology, the Fudan University in China, and the University…Read More
Gold investing.
During a Financial Crisis, Gold Is Still Your Best Bet BEN HERNANDEZ OCTOBER 25, 2021 When it comes to a financial crisis, investors will want to have gold on their side based on data from yesteryear. “During major financial crises in history, gold has vastly…Read More
10 reasons to own gold.
Gold is one of the oldest assets in existence. From its use as a currency in ancient times to its investment use and utility today, gold has always served as a store of value. The 21st century has been marked as an age of excessive…Read More
The strongest metal alloy.
American engineers from Sandia National Laboratories claim to have succeeded in creating the toughest metal alloy that is a hundred times more durable than the strongest steel. The well-known combination of platinum and gold, but made in a new way, was the first alloy that…Read More
Cobra Resources highlights progress made on Wudinna gold project alongside interim results.
The company said its exploration activities are progressing to plan and that it is well-placed to achieve the stage 2 earn-in for Wudinna before the end of 2021 Cobra Resources Plc – Cobra Resources Plc (LSE:COBR) highlighted the progress made on the Wudinna gold project…Read More