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It seems that, like a hundred and fifty years ago, the famous gold rush is coming to Australia again. However, the chance to get rich now is not as big as for the common people as it is for larger, bigger companies. With that, it is including the flagship of the company .

Representatives of the Department of Geological Science of the State of Victoria reported that in the area bounded by Ballarat, Bendigo and Beechworth, which is not so far from Melbourne, gold reserves of about 2.200-2.300 tons were found. The 19th century and in the 80s of the 20th century, when the detector for prospectors was invented. Therefore, the ground, especially on the territory of the “Golden Triangle”, is turned upside down thoroughly and more than once. Gold is widely distributed over the earth’s surface.

Natural gold is found in solid rock masses ores or in broken rocks placers. In the first case, it is called ore, and in the second-alluvial gold. Placers are usually found in river valleys, streams or dry logs and form more or less powerful layers, covered with a layer of waste rock, the so-called peat.

Gold is in placers in the form of pieces, scales, grains and dust, sometimes there are pieces of considerable size, which are called nuggets by the name of .

“The oldest form of investment in the new brilliance.”

In conditions of economic instability gold bullion has always attracted the attention of investors.

Unlike other more profitable assets, gold is the least exposed to any kind of political and financial risks and, undoubtedly, remains the most reliable means for the preservation of your savings and retirement insurance for old age. World renowned experts and consultants recommend that from 10% to 20% of the capital be kept in gold.

Free money is invested in gold by all-states,financial corporations, manufacturing enterprises and individuals. Take advantage of this excellent opportunity to convert part of your money into cash, physical gold bullion. The security of an investment in physical gold lies in the security of this rare, indestructible, historically valuable asset. In conditions of economic instabilitygold bullion has always attracted the attention of investors.

“Everyone looks at gold as a barometer of wealth all over the world.”

Gold International Reserves


USA 8.133 tons

Italy 2.452 tons

France 2.437 tons

India 797 tons

China 2.265 tons

Our product

The largest solid piece of gold that was ever found, weighed about 90 kilograms, it was found in Australia. 75% of all gold mined on the planet was mined after 1910. Gold is a rarity compared to diamonds.

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Gold has long been considered money, but money does not always mean gold. Paper currency can lose its value, while gold remains a stable measure of value, trusted even in unstable times.

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The standard measure of gold is the troy ounce, precisely 31.1034768 grams. Today, the troy ounce is used as the primary unit in precious metal trading, with gold denoted by the symbol XAU.

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Gold is a noble yellow metal, a chemical element with atomic number 79, symbol Au. Unlike metals like iron or aluminum, gold is extremely rare on Earth. The total amount of gold mined in history equals the amount of iron mined in one day.

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Scientists suggest that gold on Earth originated from cosmic events. German researchers calculate that around 160 metal-rich asteroids, each about 20 km in diameter, contributed to Earth’s gold. These asteroids likely formed from supernova explosions.

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Gold investments are considered one of the most reliable. The risk is almost non-existent, as gold retains its value over time and is a liquid asset. In uncertain economic conditions, gold remains a stable alternative, easily convertible into cash.