CSIRO scientist discovers natural ‘invisible’ gold.

The search for these natural but ‘invisible’ nanoparticles is important. If they can be proved to exist, the knowledge will help give us a deeper understanding of how gold can be transported and deposited by geological processes, and therefore help explorers to find new gold…Read More
Targeting tumors using tiny gold particles.

Gold from Troy, Poliochni and Ur found to have the same origin by Universitaet Tübingen.

Hair ornaments, a pin, necklaces and a torque, were among the total 26 gold objects that have been studied by the international team of researchers. The gold in objects from Troy, Poliochni (a settlement on the island of Lemnos which lies roughly 60 kilometers away…Read More
How can you test if gold is pure? Some methods are more destructive than others.

As recent revelations about the Perth Mint have shown, gold buyers and sellers take purity very seriously. Questions have been raised over impurities found in some A$9 billion worth of gold sold to the Shanghai Gold Exchange. While the gold reportedly met the industry standard…Read More